Talking the beat to cover what matters to you as an LEO. Join deputy chief Jim Dudley (ret.) every weekly as he sits down with law enforcement leaders and criminal justice experts to discuss strategy, challenges and trends in policing.

Monday Mar 27, 2023
Fitness testing standards for law enforcement officers
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Recently, New Hampshire police chiefs came together to make a plea to lawmakers as departments continue to be plagued by staffing shortages statewide. The chiefs, including Hinsdale Police Chief Charles Rataj, told the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee that the required fitness test is making it difficult for departments to hire and retain officers. As a result, they’ve proposed a bill that would eliminate the test for law enforcement officers.
In this episode of Policing Matters, host Jim Dudley speaks with Traci Tauferner, Director of Industrial Medicine and Wellness with Advanced Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine who has worked with law enforcement, fire, and EMS agencies since 2010, about the request made by the New Hampshire chiefs and the importance of maintaining officer physical fitness.
This episode of the Policing Matters Podcast is brought to you by Lexipol, the experts in policy, training, wellness support and grants assistance for first responders and government leaders. To learn more, visit lexipol.com.