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Friday Jul 13, 2018
Are prison reform efforts working?
Friday Jul 13, 2018
Friday Jul 13, 2018
The DOJ recently released an updated study from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) showing that 83 percent of prisoners released by states under so-called “jailbreak” programs were re-arrested within nine years of their release. Astonishingly, just days after the DOJ report was released, the House of Representatives passed a “prison reform” bill by a margin of 360–59. Dubbed the First Step Act (short for Formerly Incarcerated Reenter Society Transformed Safely Transitioning Every Person Act), the bill seeks to incentivize federal inmates to participate in rehabilitation programs that ostensibly would give them skills to re-enter society without committing more crimes. In this podcast segment, Jim and Doug discuss the topics of re-entry and recidivism.