Talking the beat to cover what matters to you as an LEO. Join deputy chief Jim Dudley (ret.) every weekly as he sits down with law enforcement leaders and criminal justice experts to discuss strategy, challenges and trends in policing.
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Seemingly uncommon acts of police heroism are actually quite common
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
In mid-July, several acts of police heroism in which an officer saved the life of an infant or a toddler made headlines in the span of just a couple of days. This might lead one to conclude that there was a sudden uptick in such actions, but that conclusion would be inaccurate. The only uptick was in the media's coverage of those events. In this podcast segment, Jim and Doug discuss the fact that police heroics happen every day, and talk about the increasing need for police agencies to proactively tell those stories to counter the seemingly ongoing anti-police rhetoric in the public discourse.