Talking the beat to cover what matters to you as an LEO. Join deputy chief Jim Dudley (ret.) every weekly as he sits down with law enforcement leaders and criminal justice experts to discuss strategy, challenges and trends in policing.
Wednesday Apr 27, 2016
Successful police contacts with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) subjects
Wednesday Apr 27, 2016
Wednesday Apr 27, 2016
People with autism — children and adults alike — as well as people with other cognitive or developmental disabilities are less likely to commit a crime than others, but they are likely to come into contact with police due to a variety of reasons. For example, ASD individuals may be bullied or victimized, they may go missing (especially ASD children), and might be prone to have emotional outbreaks. With April being Autism Awareness Month, Jim and Doug discuss some of the issues related to officer contact with ASD subjects.