Talking the beat to cover what matters to you as an LEO. Join deputy chief Jim Dudley (ret.) every weekly as he sits down with law enforcement leaders and criminal justice experts to discuss strategy, challenges and trends in policing.

Thursday May 17, 2018
Why retail store ‘no chase‘ policies are a dilemma for LE
Thursday May 17, 2018
Thursday May 17, 2018
A trend in retail sales is to instruct employees to not attempt to stop a shoplifter. Such “no pursuit” policies among retailers have implications for police. Principally, this turns a responding officer into little more than a report taker, not an enforcer of the law. Further, those same stores that refuse to prevent the loss of products to theft simultaneously demand that officers be more present in their neighborhoods to prevent criminal activity. In this podcast segment, Jim and Doug discuss the impact that private sector “no pursuit” policies have on public sector police.