Talking the beat to cover what matters to you as an LEO. Join deputy chief Jim Dudley (ret.) every weekly as he sits down with law enforcement leaders and criminal justice experts to discuss strategy, challenges and trends in policing.
Thursday Feb 16, 2017
Officer wellness and safety in 21st century policing
Thursday Feb 16, 2017
Thursday Feb 16, 2017
In December 2014, President Barack Obama signed an executive order establishing the Task Force on 21st Century Policing. The president charged the task force with identifying best practices and offering recommendations on how policing practices can promote effective crime reduction while building public trust. The task force released its final report in May of 2015. In it was what the task force called the “Six Pillars of 21st Century Policing.” In this week’s podcast, Jim and Doug discuss the sixth and final pillar — Officer Wellness and Safety.
Friday Feb 10, 2017
Training and education in 21st century policing
Friday Feb 10, 2017
Friday Feb 10, 2017
In December 2014, President Barack Obama signed an executive order establishing the Task Force on 21st Century Policing. The president charged the task force with identifying best practices and offering recommendations on how policing practices can promote effective crime reduction while building public trust. The task force released its final report in May of 2015. In it was what the task force called the “Six Pillars of 21st Century Policing.” In this week’s podcast, Jim and Doug discuss the fifth pillar — Training and Education — and next week will tackle the final pillar.
Friday Feb 03, 2017
Community outreach and crime reduction in 21st century policing
Friday Feb 03, 2017
Friday Feb 03, 2017
In December 2014, President Barack Obama signed an executive order establishing the Task Force on 21st Century Policing. The president charged the task force with identifying best practices and offering recommendations on how policing practices can promote effective crime reduction while building public trust. The task force released its final report in May of 2015. In it was what the task force called the “Six Pillars of 21st Century Policing.” In this week’s podcast, Jim and Doug discuss the fourth pillar — Community Policing and Crime Reduction — and in coming weeks will tackle each subsequent pillar in turn.
Friday Jan 27, 2017
Technology and social media in 21st century policing
Friday Jan 27, 2017
Friday Jan 27, 2017
In December 2014, President Barack Obama signed an executive order establishing the Task Force on 21st Century Policing. The president charged the task force with identifying best practices and offering recommendations on how policing practices can promote effective crime reduction while building public trust. The task force released its final report in May of 2015. In it was what the task force called the “Six Pillars of 21st Century Policing.” In this week’s podcast, Jim and Doug discuss the third pillar — Technology and Social Media — and in coming weeks will tackle each subsequent pillar in turn.
Friday Jan 20, 2017
Policy and oversight in 21st century policing
Friday Jan 20, 2017
Friday Jan 20, 2017
In December 2014, President Barack Obama signed an executive order establishing the Task Force on 21st Century Policing. The president charged the task force with identifying best practices and offering recommendations on how policing practices can promote effective crime reduction while building public trust. The task force released its final report in May of 2015. In it was what the task force called the “Six Pillars of 21st Century Policing.” In this week’s podcast, Jim and Doug discuss the second pillar — Policy and Oversight — and in coming weeks will tackle each subsequent pillar in turn.
Friday Jan 13, 2017
Building trust and legitimacy in 21st century policing
Friday Jan 13, 2017
Friday Jan 13, 2017
In December 2014, President Barack Obama signed an executive order establishing the Task Force on 21st Century Policing. The president charged the task force with identifying best practices and offering recommendations on how policing practices can promote effective crime reduction while building public trust. The task force released its final report in May of 2015. In it was what the task force called the “Six Pillars of 21st Century Policing.” In this week’s podcast, Jim and Doug discuss the first pillar — Building Trust and Legitimacy — and in coming weeks will tackle each subsequent pillar in turn.
Friday Jan 06, 2017
How to strengthen relationships between command staff, beat cops
Friday Jan 06, 2017
Friday Jan 06, 2017
One need look no further than the comments section beneath just about any article on PoliceOne to see the divide between the rank-and-file officers and the men and women who hold leadership positions at an agency. This divide has been around forever, of course, but the question becomes, is it getting better, or worse? The issue that may be the most contentious is use of force. Jim and Doug discuss what can be done to build stronger, more productive relationships between police leaders and beat cops. Can the National FOP and the IACP rally around an issue like officer safety in this time of increased attacks on police?
Friday Dec 23, 2016
4 troubling trends that affected law enforcement in 2016
Friday Dec 23, 2016
Friday Dec 23, 2016
As we wind down 2016, we reflect on all of the events and trends which made headlines and shaped the national conversation about law enforcement. In this special end-of-year Policing Matters podcast, Jim and Doug discuss four things they identify as the biggest trends of the year: the increase in the number of opioid deaths (which now exceeds the number of homicide deaths), the number of peaceful protests which turned into violent riots this year, the trend of increased crime in cities where cops are pulling back from proactive policing, and the spike in ambush attacks on LE in 2016. As always, if you have topic suggestions for the podcast, email us at
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
How to help prevent police suicide during the holidays
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
Depending on whose data you cite, somewhere between 125 and 150 officers reportedly kill themselves annually. Conventional wisdom states that the holiday season presents an uptick in the yearly numbers. The CDC says that this is not the case, but regardless, we hope to prevent any suicide from occurring within the holidays. Jim and Doug discuss the need for officers to be vigilant about speech and behaviors that can be warning signs, as well as the various services available to people in crisis — such as Safe Call Now, Serve and Protect, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, and 1st Help.
Friday Dec 16, 2016
What can cops expect from a Trump presidency?
Friday Dec 16, 2016
Friday Dec 16, 2016
In an historic surprise victory, Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election. What can police officers expect from the White House after his inauguration on January 20, 2017? Having already telephoned the families of officers killed in the line of duty, one might rightly surmise that Trump will demonstrate more support for law enforcement than the outgoing Democrat whose two terms saw police and politicians pitted against each other. Jim and Doug discuss whether or not Executive Order 13688 — which prohibits certain military surplus from being donated to police — will be repealed, as well as various impacts a Trump presidency will likely have on the criminal justice system.