Talking the beat to cover what matters to you as an LEO. Join deputy chief Jim Dudley (ret.) every weekly as he sits down with law enforcement leaders and criminal justice experts to discuss strategy, challenges and trends in policing.
Thursday Jul 14, 2016
How officers should handle politics this election season
Thursday Jul 14, 2016
Thursday Jul 14, 2016
With the Republican National Convention in Cleveland and the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia fast approaching, officers would do well to leave politics for off-duty discussion. Jim and Doug discuss how on-duty cops should stay neutral despite what may be shouted at protests, and some thoughts about off-duty free speech by cops as well.
Friday Jul 08, 2016
What American airport security can learn from Europe
Friday Jul 08, 2016
Friday Jul 08, 2016
With an influx of refugees and migrants from war-torn regions in the Middle East, one might imagine airport security to be even more time-consuming and arduous than the TSA. But one might be wrong about that. Airport security in Europe is vastly more effective and efficient. This is perhaps because screeners in Europe are far better paid and far better trained. Much of that training is not just “how to stare at an X-ray screen.” Jim and Doug discuss how observational skills related to suspicious activity and behaviors is a better tactic than looking for “things.”
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Why LE‘s response to the Orlando massacre was the correct approach
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Some have criticized the three-hour period of time between the time Omar Mateen began his vicious terrorist attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando in June, but there were some very good reasons for the “delay” in the response. Jim and Doug discuss the incident, and why the police did an excellent job in their response.
Friday Jun 24, 2016
Cops speak out on no-pursuit policies
Friday Jun 24, 2016
Friday Jun 24, 2016
Our podcast discussing the fact that many agencies have enacted strict no-pursuit policies, with others adopting highly-restrictive policies that have all but rendered vehicle pursuits rare in those jurisdictions, generated a fairly heated discussion among cops. Jim and Doug read some of the comments and offer their thoughts
Friday Jun 17, 2016
Why the proposed changes to sex offender laws are dangerous
Friday Jun 17, 2016
Friday Jun 17, 2016
Jim and Doug discuss how misguided proposals put predators in closer proximity to potential victims, and how this kind of “harm reduction strategy” can actually have an adverse effect on public safety.
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
Debunking the myth that cops aren‘t taught de-escalation
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
Following the PERF report “30 Guiding Principles,” many people outside of law enforcement were left to believe that de-escalation tactics and techniques are only now being introduced to police, when in fact, de-escalation has been taught and used by police officers for many years. Doug and Jim discuss how cops have used “Verbal Judo” and address when de-escalation tactics can (and cannot) be successful.
Friday Jun 03, 2016
Leave the job at the job
Friday Jun 03, 2016
Friday Jun 03, 2016
The stress of police work can take an emotional toll on officers, and sadly, sometimes that can adversely impact the relationships they have with their spouses, partners, and friends outside of law enforcement. Jim and Doug discuss what cops can do to try to minimize the negativity they might accidentally be bringing home.
Friday May 27, 2016
Cops weigh in: Carrying Narcan on patrol
Friday May 27, 2016
Friday May 27, 2016
Our podcast discussing the fact that cops are increasingly being asked to carry and administer Narcan — the drug that saves the lives of individuals overdosing on opioids — promoted an enthusiastic discussion in the comments section below that segment. Jim and Doug read some of the comments and speak to what those individuals were saying.
Friday May 20, 2016
Be proactive: Cops‘ role in ID‘ing child abuse and mandatory reporting
Friday May 20, 2016
Friday May 20, 2016
Jim and Doug discuss how police officers need to be extra vigilant toward signs that a kid is being abused (behaviors, appearance, etc.) and how police should take time whenever they can to reinforce to mandatory reporters that it is not only their duty to report abuse, but in many cases it is a misdemeanor to fail to report.
Friday May 13, 2016
Should cops be allowed to have tattoos?
Friday May 13, 2016
Friday May 13, 2016
Increasingly it would seem that the general public has a higher level of tolerance of visible tattoos on officers than many police leaders do. When in uniform, cops are (according to most policies) supposed to all have a “uniform” appearance — no additional or special adornments. Jim and Doug discuss no-tattoo policies, as well as the rare cases when police officers get tattoos indicating participation in things like a fatal OIS or other sensitive incidents.